January 2012 Moms

Starving in L&D

I just posted this on "things no one told me", but I thought some ppl might want to know. 

Oh, ask about eating while in labor.  I was induced and I hadn't eaten for almost 10 hours by the time they decided to induce.  (I went in for some tests...appt was at 3pm...so I had lunch at like 1pm and then went for the tests...and they wouldn't tell me anything for HOURS or eat anything.)  So I was starving and cranky and as soon as we decided I was staying to be induced I was like...okay, I need something to eat.  The OB was cool with it.  I sent my dad for bagels and cream cheese and fruit and he got my DH some Arby's.  We even gave my OB a snack bc it was late at night and she was hungry too. 

Maybe it was bc she didn't expect DS to be born for another 12 hours at least or bc she was natural birth friendly and knew I wanted a natural birth and wanted to avoid a c-section.  I don't know.  But if you are hungry, ask.  You might get something to eat.

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