January 2012 Moms

The hospital stay!

This is going to be a dumb question I'm sure...but I never can seem to google an answer...so I will ask all the super brainy January 2012 moms!

Let's just say for an uncomplicated vaginal delivery...how long do you stay in the hospital?  (It says check out time is at 11AM)

For example...if I get there at 8 AM, have the baby at 5PM, do I stay over night until check out at 11AM

or for another example...lets say I go into labor at 9PM and have the baby at 2AM, do I stay through the following night or check out like before at 11AM?

I'm not sure why I can't wrap my mind around this Smile 

Favorite thing about fall...Florida Football!

What's cookin'? BFP: May 16, 2011 DD born January 19, 2012 | Chart BabyFruit Ticker Anniversary imageBabyName Ticker

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