January 2012 Moms

Nipple pain (possible TMI)

I woke up at 6am with a severe pain in my left boob/nipple.  The pain was what woke me up.  I went into the bathroom to look at it because I couldn't figure out what was going on, and noticed my nipple was hard as a rock.  It happened again about an hour later, waking me up again.

My nipple is still sore now, many hours later.  There was nothing coming out of it or anything,  still isn't.  There are several weird things about this incident...first, it was only on 1 side.  My other nipple is partially inverted (looks like a half moon) and was not hard or painful.  Oh, and last night DH was paying the sore one extra attention and sucking kinda hard, which normally I don't let him do but it actually felt good (I know, TMI).

I also had a breast reduction and then a revision over 10 years ago, and since then don't have as much feeling in my nips as normal.  I do still have some feeling but have NEVER felt anything like this!  I'm hoping to be able to BF at least some, but I know I will probably have to at least supplement with formula if I'm even able to nurse at all.  Was this related to that somehow? If so, why only on one side? And why am I still so sore?

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I know some have had leaking and soreness, but this was super sudden and seems different than what I read here previously.  TIA! 

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