Babies: 9 - 12 Months

2 hour middle of the night play session?!

Last night, my DS woke up at 1:15am. I changed him, fed him (because he didn't drink his full bottle before bed) and rocked him. His eyes were closed, he looked asleep, so I put him back down in his crib. Holy human gerbil, Bat-Man! He was rolling all over the place, giggling and "attacking" his Winnie the Pooh and Huey stuffed animals. I placed him back down on his tummy, patted his back, and said, "Good night, Gideon. It's time for sleep." He closes his eyes. I walk to the door, and then he starts laughing and playing again. I decided, well, as long as he's not crying I'll let him play in his crib with the lights off. TWO HOURS. Of course, I couldn't fall back to sleep because I was worried HE wouldn't fall asleep. He wasn't crying or fussing, but I would LOVE IT if he would get all his play-time out BEFORE bed!!!

I have no idea what he's going to be like when I get home from work today. I hope he gets some good naps in while he's at Nanna and Poppa's.

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