January 2012 Moms

Isn't it a little early for this?

Last night after a particularly large dinner out, I saw one of those frozen snowie ice stands. These are hard to find and are my total guilty pleasure. So of course I had to have one! It was a total production too.. I had to find an ATM as they were cash only... and then I forgot my PIN... all the while Im doing this my best bud (also pregnant) is trying to convince the worker to take credit cards. 

Anyway, when I got to the front of the line and ordered, the woman working there said to me, "Oh honey, when I was pregnant I had to have these things as well. Like all the time!"

I was shocked! I asked her if my buddy had outed me during my crazy ATM hunt. She said no... and got very embarrassed saying she could just obviously tell I was pregnant. 

Im still in my prepregnancy jeans (though last night i was in a flowy sundress...)  and as of this morning I'm only up two pounds. Yesterday I still wasnt up any pounds. She was just SO sure... I had no idea I looked that obvious to people. 

Has anyone else had a stranger outing yet?

My Signature won't work! I am a proud mommy of two (1&3) and starting an adventure to help a family having a baby through surrogacy. ***My Surrogacy Blog*** http://www.themandyloo.blogspot.com
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