January 2012 Moms

Re-doing the floors? Mmm.. kinda long?

Is this a crazy idea?

A little background...

We plan on moving in about 2-3 years and baby is due in January meaning baby should be here for a good year or two.  We already plan to spend money doing the nursery and I am putting black carpet in it to make the room completely themed out (black and white victorian/ boston terriers). My budget for everything is $1,000 in there. This includes crib, curtains, hutch/dresser, closet storing materials, chair, carpet, bedding, lamp, etc. I looked at prices and I think I can stay in budget if I pick cheaper furniture.

So that is a lot of money but it is our first baby and who doesn't want to do a perfectly themed nursery?

Well... with my enhanced spidey senses (pregnancy nose) I am starting to notice that the downstairs carpet may not be ideal for a little one to crawl around on. The dogs have had accidents on the downstairs carpets (two living rooms and dining room) and I know that even though I shampoo it, and that you can't "see" it anymore, that stuff stains forever! I also wouldn't mind eliminating the ideal environment for dust mites.

Question is... Do I spend the money to get laminate floors downstairs? I know many people have the opinion that carpet is safer for baby but.. If I change it I am going with laminate. I don't want to chance any more doggie accidents. Plus, come on... crawling baby on laminate is better than rug burn on carpet! Anyway, is it worth it even though I might move in a couple years? Maybe it can add a little to the selling price or make it more fetching to buyers?

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