January 2012 Moms

MH, the workaholic

I love and admire my husband's ambition and work ethic, but sometimes I just want him to come home.  Well in this case, back to the hotel.  I went on a work trip with him this week and am sitting in the hotel all by myself.  I didn't really want to come along this time (he always gives me the choice), but with a wedding we have this weekend it didn't make sense travel-wise for him to go back to our home state, get me and then travel to the wedding (would have added another 4 hours of driving in one or two days).

So I texted him around 5:40pm and asked him if they were wrapping things up or if he would be a while.  He's not in a meeting, it's just continuous work that he comes here for each week until it's due at the end of October.  His reply was it's still too early to tell.  It's almost 6pm (not like I asked at noon or something)!  I know he had lab/testing time (he's a computer engineer) booked until 8pm last night and that's when they wrapped it up, but no lab time today at all.  I hate eating at 9pm.  But I hate walking over to one of the restaurants next to the hotel and eating by myself as well. 

By the way last week when he came here for work without me, he was done by 6pm each night and they went to fun restaurants like Outback and sushi instead of the crappy diner that is open late and accomdates their late work nights.

Sorry that was so long.  I feel like a big whiney baby.  I should be happy he has a job and a good one at that.  *end vent*

Married DH - December 2006, Started TTC - July 2009, BFP - May 15, 2011 (round #1 chlomid) Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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