Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Tantrums vs. teething pain-How to displine at 10.5months?

I was wondering if my LO starting to develp a bad behavior of tantrums when he does not get his way or if he is just in pain? Lately it seems more like brief tantrums if he can't do something or if he his fighting bedtime. He has the top 4 teeth comming in so I give meds occassionally to help. If these are truly tantrums and not pain any suggestions for displining him?

I  have tried: to re-direct, say that's not nice to hit mommy, your ok try not to get so fruastrated, NO for the more sever acting out, I hold him while he is screaming & arching his back, if I am holding him and he contiunes to throw a tantrum I set him down on the floor safely.

 I am just not sure what this is lately? He is testing his independent, teething and seems to be very clingy to me vs. others so I am not sure what to do. Advise?!

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