Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Sleep apnea? Angelcare monitor?

We are still using the Angelcare monitor and it goes off in the middle of the night every few days (giving us a heart attack every time).  Some nights, it's because she scooches all the way to the edge of her crib, but most nights - we're not sure why it goes off.  We are suspecting sleep apnea.  I've adjusted the sensitivity and tested it several times.  I don't think it is a false alarm; I really think LO stops breathing.  I've called her pedi and am awaiting a response.

Is anyone else dealing w/ this?  Anyone still using their Angelcare monitor?

Also, I've noticed that DD sometimes "startle breathes" - like she gasps for air, short, rapid breaths.  I know for younger babies, this can be common but she's almost one! 

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