January 2012 Moms

update on T&P this morning

Hello ladies,

Your outpouring of support was really overwhelming and very much appreciated! First off, baby is doing just fine! LOs hb was a strong 143 bpm and s/he is growing right along schedule in the 40%.  I have a healthy baby and a healthy placenta. SO, all good news there.  The not so good news is that I have been placed on bed rest.  And with the beginning of the school year approaching in a week, this was not what I wanted to hear.  I have a venous lake (pool of blood) under my low lying placenta that has tripled in size since it was first discovered 2 weeks ago.  Because the venous lake has gotten larger, rather than smaller, I was placed on bed rest until further notice so that it has time to heal.  I am upset about the bed rest, but I will do what I need to do for my baby... it just couldn't have come at a worse time because of the beginning of school and we are moving in 3 weeks.  T&Ps are still greatly appreciated for me and DH through this time.  Thanks ladies!

ETA: spelling fail

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