Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Tell me to chill the fvck out.

This will be a P&R because I have to walk the dog and run errands in a 2-hour window...I hope to return to some common-sense responses.

We found someone to watch C starting in September when his current 2-day-a-weeks sitter can't take him anymore.  I dropped him off for the first time today just for 2 hours, I want to transition him in to get used to the new environment.  She was referred by a friend of MIL's, has great references, and is laid back and flexible.  I really like her.  She provides lunch and snacks, and I already knew that her menu is a little more typical kid-food (grilled cheese, macaroni, etc.) than the mostly organic tons of fruits and veggies-type menu I provide.  But he's a kid, it's one meal a day a couple times a week, and I am not going to be "THAT" mom who won't let her kid eat a hot dog once in awhile.  No biggie.

But I dropped him off and she's like, "does he have a juice cup in there?"  He had a sippy so I showed it to her, and she's like, "so apple juice is ok right?"  I'm glad she asked because I know it's not that big a deal but to me I don't feel like my 9-month old needs the empty-calorie sugary juice yet.  

They were at the park near her house so I mentioned that if they weren't quite back in time for his lunch there were "o's" and puffs in the bag.  She's like ok, good...I have some goldfish too, I always have them with me.  

 I'm being stupid ridiculous.  But I would never even think to give C goldfish because of all the fake-y ingredients.  They won't kill him, I know, and he's perfectly capable of eating that type of stuff since he's a pro at solids in general.  

So now I feel like I picked the wrong person to watch my kid since we have such different food philosophies.  Mind you she actually subscribes to an organic CSA and feeds the kids good fruit etc. so it's not like she's shoveling junk down my kid's throat non-stop.  And as a babysitter she seems really good.  She just doesn't scour labels and put something back if it contains HFCS.

Y'all know I try to be a reasonable, moderate person.  I don't want to be a spazzy helicopter mom.  So please, tell me I didn't screw up picking my CCP?

Like I said, P&R, TIA, NFT, BBQ. 

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