Single Parents

Need some advice, please!

I have been separated for about a year, and our divorce was finalized in May. We have really struggled trying to find a good parenting plan for DS, who is 3.5. XH thought 50-50 would be appropriate, but for many reasons, that didn't happen. I've been DS's primary caregiver since he was born. I was working 3 days in the office and 2 days at home when the divorce started, and have since had to change to 5 days in the office, so DS also moved from PT to FT preschool. We started with a plan where DS had Wednesday overnights and Friday overnights with XH (at XH's insistence) - it was a total bust. DS started to act out in school, was anxious about going to preschool, became very upset at home. We have since dropped the Wednesday overnights and turned that into an evening visit where DS comes home for bath and bedtime. He still spends Friday overnights at XH's. That seems to be working much, much better - not perfect, but better. We are looking at finalizing a plan for now until kindergarten (absent any problems). Another suggestion we considered was every other weekend (Friday - Sunday) in addition to WEdnesday evenings. I don't want to be shortsighted about things, and I really want to do what's best for DS. XH is not the best of parents, but he still loves DS. Does anyone have any feedback or help for what has worked well for their little ones? I'd be really grateful!
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