January 2012 Moms

Bleeding yesterday (everything is fine)

Hey all,

I had some bleeding yesterday morning (caught on TP but the first bit wasn't a tiny amount).  Thankfully, I had my regular appt in the afternoon.  The doctor checked my cervix and placenta and everything looked fine thank goodness.  They did do an ultrasound (yay for seeing baby, wow the head is huge) but I'm so thankful everything is fine.

 Doctor warned me to watch for cramping but that it's likely everything is just fine.  I also got zofran. Apparently if you make it to 16 weeks with morning sickness drug-free you've earned the drugs.

 So I feel good today and our anatomy scan is Aug 22!! Woot! 

I wanted to post this maybe to ease some fears if someone has the same and has to wait a few hours to get to the doc or ER


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