Single Parents

divorcing while pregnant ? (kinda long)

I am a SAHM to a 2 yo and am 4 1/2 months pg. I plan to file for divorce in about 2 months. My dd and I are on MH insurance. If we get divorced while I am pg, who would pay for the delivery? I still have to find a place to live and a job but I am so anxious now that I am pg again.

A little background: My husband is controlling and oppressive with a horrible temper and can become physically aggresive, he doesn't hit me but he will grab my arms or hold me down, he's pushed me. A lot of times he can come off as very caring and sincere.                                                                                            

I filed for divorce once before. I was very depressed during that time and felt very much alone even though my family was helping me. He convinced me to try again with him and we dropped the divorce. I believed that things were going to be different now; he got a better job and moved closer to my family. I have only talked to my family once since we have been back together and we are estranged from his family. There is a waiting period now before I can refile.

He doesn't believe in birth control because we are married hence I got pg the first week we were back together. Neither of our families know about the new baby.

I have to get out of this relationship once and for all. I feel so stupid for getting myself into this situation...again. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I am planning to contact my original lawyer but I just wanted to know what else I should do in the meantime. Like the next 2 months. Thank you for reading this and any answers.

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