Babies: 9 - 12 Months

lurker with another CIO question

We used to let DD fuss it out while falling asleep or if she woke up in the middle of the night.  She's always been a good sleeper except around the time she started rolling, but the nightly "practicing" only lasted 2 weeks.  Then, she went back to STTN for 11 hours straight and would put herself to sleep on her own.  Naps were always the hard part. 

But, after a cold and all this new mobility, she's doing the reverse.  Napping great, but not so much at night.  She just screams when we leave her to go to bed.  I think she may be going through some separation anxiety since I've been spending every day with her during my summer vacation.  She's always been very attached to me, but now more than ever.  Even DH trying to soothe her or put her to bed doesnt work, she cries for me while he's there.

Putting her to bed is not that bad... with the sound machine and a little rocking, she knocks out.  But, now she has been waking up to "practice" her new skills.  I actually saw her cruising for the first time at 3 a.m. on the monitor.  So, I went in to do what had been working lately- rubbing back, giving her a little water (she still has a bit of a cough), and gently putting her back down after each time she stood up to cruise.  I gave her some of her lovies to hug.  But, everytime I thought she was almost out, she would get back up, again, to cruise.  So, after 45 minutes and back pain from hunching over her crib, I just left. 

This time, I let her cry for 10 minutes because she always seemed to get more exasperated when we went in more frequently when we tried CIO in the past.  We'd always give in and rock her or bring her to our bed (especially, when she was congested).  This time, she seemed to start calming down during those 10 minutes, so I went in rubbed her back a little and left for 15 minutes.  During those 15 minutes, she started falling asleep on her own.  So at the 15 minute mark, I went in just to give her her paci since she was still crying but she was lying down.  She cried for a couple of minutes more after that, but fell asleep.  So, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and we were able to sleep until the morning.  She even woke up this morning and played with her toys for a while before crying (she usually cries right away to be picked up).

So, now am I supposed to let her CIO for everything?  She uses the sound machine for naps.  I rock her a bit, put her down, and leave it on the whole time. (It's been working like a charm and she naps 1-2 hours twice a day.)  What about bedtime?  Should I let her CIO?  Or, can I do the same routine with the sound machine (although I slowly lower the volume and turn it off while she's falling asleep so we don't have to hear it all night) and just let her CIO if she wakes in the middle of the night?  She doesn't need anything when she wakes up, I've confirmed that pretty much since she got over her cold and I had tried everything. 

Just to add, the times we've tried CIO for bedtime, she ends up throwing up her last feeding.  So, it defeats the purpose to have to go in, change her, the sheets, give her some more formula, and then start the process all over, again.  That's why I've been hesitant to try it out more than a couple of nights in a row.  IDK if it was due to the congestion b/c I thought she was pretty much over her cold when we started trying it. 


If you got this far, thanks and I'd appreciate any advice!

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