Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Solids Strike - Suggestions Needed

LO was finally doing well with solids. He'd eat 4 oz, 3 times a day. We were using the little Gerber jars or sometimes mash something up. Last Tuesday he woke up sick. Pink eye. He was put on drops and an anti-biotic. He was feeling better on Thursday, back to his old happy self except for one thing...SOLIDS. Won't open his mouth. Turns his head. Pushes the spoon away. He definitely has an interest in my food, but not his. Ever time I gave him table food, even in the smallest size, he still gags and throws up. I've broken Puffs apart so they are smaller. Mum Mums. So many things. Any suggestions on either 1.) how to get him to eat from the spoon again or 2.) let him eat table food w/out gaging.

 Thank you!!!

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