January 2012 Moms

Pelvic girdle pain?

Yesterday I felt better than I have in weeks, and I finally had the time and motivation to get some errands done.  I was also feeling so well, I thought I would check out the maternity selection in town and finally buy some new clothes.  I spent 7 hours walking around town.

After dinner I started getting some pains around my tail bone.  By bed time the pain spread around hips and started shooting down my right leg.  My right left started giving out when I was walking around, and I couldn't bend over.  I've had some aches similar in the past few weeks, but they only lasted a few hours.  I feel slightly better now, but I still can't really bend over, and I'm just kind of shuffling around when I walk.

Normally I would call my doctor, but after my last few appointments, she has moved to the top of my most hated people list.  I'm in the process of finding a new doc or midwife, so I really, really don't want to call her unless it's an emergency.  I'm not confident in her ability to listen and tell me anything worthwhile anyway.

 I was reading about pelvic girdle pain.  The symptoms seem the same, but it sounds like that is pain that will last for the duration of pregnancy.  I'm hoping I'm just having some sort of flare up and will fix itself with some rest.  Does anyone else have some experience with this or advice?

Feb 12 Siggy Challenge - Favorite lucky charm - My little Irish boy.

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