Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Anyone else have a hard time weaning?

....and I don't mean physically.

I am leaving for a 4-day work trip in mid-August, so the weaning process has begun so that she will be completely on formula by the time I leave.  (The itinerary of the trip makes it pretty impossible to pump throughout the day.)  She will be 10 1/2 months at that point.

I am having a much harder time than I thought I would.  I thought the difficult part would be putting an end to nursing (and the bonding that comes with it), but we actually stopped that at 6 months when DD got her bottom teeth and bit the crap out of me.  I have been EP since that time, and I'm realizing that the hard part is that I won't be providing her with the best nutrition that I can anymore.  I don't know if it's just guilt that I'm feeling, but I was planning on dropping my second pumping session two days ago and can't bring myself to do it.  I actually teared up yesterday. 

Am I crazy?  Did anyone else experience this?



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