January 2012 Moms

How often...

For those of you with/had a low lying placenta, how often did you experience spotting?  We found out that I had a low lying placenta because of some heavy bleeding that sent me straight to the drs office about 2 weeks ago.  I've had a litle brown spotting of and on, very light and nothing that I worried about.  This morning I had another spotting episode, but this time it was red, eventually turned brown, and now it is gone.  I called my doctor and let her know about the spotting, bc she said she wanted to know anytime I had red spotting.  I had a good 3 days without anything and I was hoping that maybe I had turned a corner.... I guess not.  I haven't been doing anything out of the ordinary (no heavy lifting, no sex, etc.) Anyway, I guess I am just wondering if this should be my new normal? What should I be expecting in terms of how often I might spot?
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