January 2012 Moms

Finally out to everyone....whew :)

I feel like a giant weight has been lifted from my shoulders.  I started a new position at my compuany 3 weeks ago, and really wanted to work hard and kick butt for a month before I told my new bosses about the pregnancy.  I am replacing someone who went on maternity leave and didn't come back, so I wanted to make sure they knew I was serious about the job.

All of that changed when my manager told me on Friday that SHE was expecting, and was due at the end of January.  I'm due at the beginning of January, so we'll both be out at the same time, and I just knew it was time to spill.  Luckily, everyone was very excited for me, and very excited to have 2 new babies join our little group.  I'm very glad, because at 17 weeks today, I was running out of clothes to hide my bump!!

Wishing everyone a great Tuesday!!

4.22.11 = BFP!! EDD 1.3.12 Beta #1 on 4.22 - 99. Beta #2 on 4.25 - 371!! 1st appointment and ultrasound May 12 - hb 138bpm, 2nd u/s June 2 - hb 185, NT scan 6.23 - all looks great! hb 147. Anatomy scan 8.18 - we have a healthy baby BOY!!!! :) Mateo born 11.27.11 at 34w 5d due to very low amniotic fluid...we love our little man! Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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