January 2012 Moms

anyone else have this happen??

I haven't really had any bad symptoms so far, but last night might take the cake.

 I didn't really do much yesterday besides tape around the baseboards and crown moulding in what will be the nursery so I can begin painting soon. The rest of the day I was as lazy as can be. Around 5:30 last night I was sitting on the couch playing on the laptop and I began to feel weird. I also had to go to the bathroom (again) so I stood up...bad idea. I had to sit back down before I fell over.

From that point on for the rest of the night the entire room was spinning if I didn't lie perfectly still. If I moved my head too quickly while lying down (even with my eyes closed!) I felt like I was going to pass out. DH was at his self defense class until almost 8 and I laid on the couch the entire time he was gone because of it. He came home and had to help me to the bathroom because I was so dizzy. I tried to make it back to the living room without him and was literally toppling over...I ran into a wall at one point to try to catch myself. DH took me back to lie down, and soon after my mother called. She told me to lay on my left side, which I was. She told me to eat something, which I had. She told me to keep drinking water, which I was. A few minutes later I had to go back to the bathroom and thought I was going to get sick from the room spinning so much. I made it and never got sick but the feeling stayed. My mother ended up coming over to check up on me...she helped me take my blood sugar as I have a history of hypoglycemia. It was fine. Then she took my blood pressure...148/65. I usually run 110/60 so she started freaking which made me feel worse. After a while we took it again and it went down to my normal range.

You guys, this was the scariest thing I have ever had happen during this whole pregnancy. I have an appointment tomorrow and definitely plan to ask about it. It's better today...no dizziness, but I can feel my pulse in my head whenever I move or stand up. It's the strangest thing. Has anyone had anything similar happen??

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