January 2012 Moms

pregnancy cravings..

Are you having any? Here and there I've craved ice cream or a certain food, but it hasn't been often or major...unitl yesterday.

There's this little cafe about 45 minutes from my house that I've been to all of 3 times. They have something, I don't even remember what it's called, but it is delicious. It's artichoke something in this cream sauce I could drink with a straw. All of a sudden yesterday, I started craving it- this thing I can't even remember the name. I had to text my SIL to find out the name of the restaurant, because that's how long it's been since I've been there. When I found out they were closed on Mondays I wanted to cry. I didn't, but I wanted to. It was by far the strongest craving I've ever had.

I thought I'd want it today still, but I'm just meh about it.

What about you? Any really hardcore cravings? What for?

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