January 2012 Moms

OBGYN Office vent!

Ok, I'd like to start off by saying that I LOVE my doctor! Last year, I had a missed m/c and everyone at the office was amazing, kind and sensative. However, I had a follow up appointment 2 weeks after my D & C and I got a call that they needed to reschedule me bc the doctor had a death in the family. Of course I was fine with that.

This last May, I had my 1st appointment for this pregnancy the day after Memorial Day. I was so anxious to finally see a heartbeat! Well, the doc's office calls the Thursday before to reschedule bc doc has a funeral to go to. Deep down I was kind of ticked off only bc it's the day I would find out if my baby was alive. (In my mind that's how I felt and I KNOW it's selfish and I'm kind of ashamed I didn't think more like a Christian).

Now, I have my 3rd appointment this Friday and MH has been out of town with work is coming in for a 4 day weekend and he can be there. It worked out perfectly! Until....you guessed it, I just got a call that Dr needs to be out of the office on Friday so the need to resechedule me for Tuesday. I ask for Monday so MH could still be there (he doesn't leave again until Monday night) but they can't do it.

Now that makes 3 appointments out of 5 that they've had to reschedule in this last year!!!!

I know there's nothing I can do about it and this doc really does have an amazing bedside manner, I'm just really frustrated that I can't make plans around the appointments for fear that they'll be rescheduled.

Vent over. (I'm going to go pout now)Sad

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