Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Screaming at Bedtime

We put DD to bed around 7.30pm. She's tired, rubbing her eyes and all the normal sleepy signs. We've been doing this for the past few months and it's worked fine until recently. After she started really walking this past week, when we put her to bed, she'll stand in her crib and start scream-crying with her jaw quivering and everything. (I know she gets the quivering from me... when I'm crying or cold that happens to me, too.) She doesn't want anything to drink (formula, water, etc) and even when she's held, she's still crying. We've tried infant tylenol because we thought she might be having growing pains. Last night, she finally went to sleep at 8.45pm. Anyone else in this boat? What do you do?

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