Babies: 9 - 12 Months


My LO has never consistently STTN. She is now 10 months old and I don't have the heart to CIO. My take on the whole situation is your baby is crying for a reason, whether to be comforted, gas, hunger, perhaps she/he is frightened or even if they have an itch they can not scratch. So as parents isn't it our obligation to comfort them any way we can? Can't we just wait to "sleep train" them when they are old enough to understand that it is bed time? I dislike feeling judged when people think that I should CIO and I do not choose to do so. I do not judge any parent that chooses to let there baby CIO, if that is something they are willing to do/try. But, why would I want my beautiful little baby girl to be left to cry alone in her room? Aren't we just teaching them compassion when we comfort them at night... when they are alone in the dark? I say to all you parents that choose NOT to CIO - Good Job Mom/Dad, keep up the great work!! :-)  

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