Upstate NY Babies

Clothes from the attic

I just got done sorting through some of Justin's clothes into "give to B" or "consign" piles and I'm a wreck so I gotta ramble to people who understand.

We all know "it goes so fast" but I can't believe the memories/attachment some of these clothes have. I swear to God, I had like Hallmark movie moment flashbacks in my head. I could look at an outfit and remember him in it 2-2.5 yrs ago as a tiny baby with a big gummy smile. I can't even remember what I ate for lunch yesterday but I can remember so many awesome moments holding him in those little clothes. It has 100% changed the way I feel about hand me downs. I felt so bad that B hardly gets new clothes but his are so special to me. I can't wait for little brother to wear what Justin wore to meet Mickey or the 1st time he crawled... ugh... I'm such a sap.

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