North Carolina Babies

Could he really be going to ONE nap already?!?

Oh lord help me.  The past three days (not including today yet since we're still attempting nap #2) Dylan has only taken one nap...gone to bed early and slept like crap at night (waking up at 1am and then sometimes again at 4 or 6).

Our normal schedule is naptime at 11:30 and 3:30 for about an hour and a halfish.  On Friday, his regular 11:30 nap didn't happen until 1:30 and lasted about 1 1/2 hours and then he went to bed early that night..yadda yadda.  Saturday napped at 11:30 for THREE hours...again bed early and crappy sleep.  Sunday same deal except we didn't even attempt the 2nd nap.  

Today, he was acting cranky around 10:15 so I put him down and he napped 2 hours.  Now I'm attempting his second nap bc I don't think he's really ready.  As I'm typing this he's in the crib fighting it hard but showing signs of being tired and READY for a nap.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can get him back to some sort of consistent schedule again. :(  What do you guys think?

Side notes: he's teething (7th tooth that is already broken through the skin but still coming in) and he has just started really pulling up on stuff and cruising.  I know the last big milestone (crawling) we had some sleep adjustments but nothing like this! 

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