Babies: 9 - 12 Months

DS doesn't want to self soothe

Our bedtime routine has been working great for a while but recently things have gone haywire. We usually get home at 6pm after picking him up from daycare. We get ready for dinner, he eats by 6:30, straight into bath, jammies, quiet play and then sits with Daddy for his last bottle at about 7:30/7:45 and bed by 8pm. He goes to bed awake but sleepy and will fall fast asleep. This week all has changed. Between being on vacation and him having hand foot and mouth he is totally off schedule. He wants to be held until he is fast asleep and then he goes in his crib, if we put him in his crib before he is asleep he screams like you are killing him. Then he wakes up multiple times a night and demands the breast. I try giving him water he gets mad, starts clawing at my shirt and screaming. I try so hard but usually end up giving in because well, its 2am i'm exhausted and it's hard to think straight.

Last night i tried letting him CIO when he woke up at 11pm and screamed. He sat up in his crib and screamed at the top of his lungs with these choking sobs with no end in sight. After an hour and a half i caved and got him. He quieted down but even me holding him wasn't comforting enough. I seriously have no idea what to do. And when i filled his day care provider in she seemed frustrated because she has to deal with putting him down for naps and its been a struggle that she has been working with and i think she feels i set her back. It's tough because she is a friend of mine so i feel like i'm disappointing everyone. I'm obviously exhausted and overwhelmed. All advice is appreciated.

 Sorry this is so long!

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