Babies: 9 - 12 Months

car seats questions

So, my LO is still in her original CHICCO carseat. its weight limit is 30 lbs i believe. I am wondering when to switch to the convertable car seat? Do i keep her in the original one ( IDK exactly the name to call it, its the one that came as aprt of the travel system with the stroller). until she is 30 lbs? BC it is goign to take her a really long time to get out of that thing since she is only 14 lbs if thats the case? most of my other mom friends have the LO in the convertable seat @ abotu a year old? but I am almsot positive my daughter will not even be 20 lbs at that p[oint. just am not exactly sure when to transition. Sorry if its long and confusing. TIA!!!

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