Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Refusing her bottles!!!

My LO has always been really good with her bottles.  She would even drink more than she could handle as a newborn and spit up....she loved it so much.  Over the last week, she has either absolutely refused her bottle altogether or only drank a few oz.  With this heat, I am really concerned.  So I have been giving her water in a sippy cup to make sure she isn't dehydrated.  She refused 2 bottles altogether yesterday and when she got up this morning, her diaper was dry!  I've tried giving them to her cold and also putting into sippy cup.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  My Mom just thinks it's ridiculous that I don't just give her milk and be done with the formula, but I worry about her getting enough vitamins and minerals.
Tray, 39 DD born on 9/30/10 Expecting #2!! BabyFruit Ticker
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