Single Parents

Today is my birthday

I have been practically under house arrest since Wednesday with a sick LO.  Adult interaction has been sparse, I've had no sleep in days, I'm exhausted and it doesn't feel like my birthday at all.  I had to cancel all my plans because STBXH flaked and didn't take his visitation.  B insists on demonstrating his new found ability to throw temper tantrums at every chance.

BUT:  It is a million times better than last year when I had to lie at my baby shower about where STBXH was (he was really in jail), he called me that night to tell me happy b-day but didn't tell me that he loved me, and then I proceeded to cry my 8 months pregnant self to sleep, feeling so sorry for myself.

B took his first steps today.  Today rocks compared to the past few years & this is going to be a good year. Big Smile

imageimage. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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