Babies: 9 - 12 Months

10mo and supply tanking

so I have EBF since LO was born, started solids @ 6months, and just started night weaning about 2 weeks ago. I BF on demand, but she is only BF @ 4-6 times a day and not for too long anymore. she BF longest in the mornign and before bed. But when I pump at work I am only getting @ 3 oz per breast, and that is after close to 5-6 hours of not BF. I want to BF a lot longer, but it seems my supply is not going to last that long!

And I had sooo much milk before, close to 8 oz per breast every 3-4 hrs, I have a freezer full of milk bc i had so much production in the beging.  is there anything i can do to help?!  thanks

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