Tummy troubles for the past 2 weeks...is this normal?


I've had the (pardon my expression) "poops" for 2 weeks now.  At first I thought it was the antibiotics I was on for my 2nd sinus/ear infection since being pregnant (thanks, allergies that I can't take good medicine for).  But I've been off them for over a week now, and it didn't really start until I was almost done with them.

Now I'm taking DH's Lactaid pills when I eat dairy to see if it's that.  This happened earlier in my pregnancy, and I think I remember wondering with pg#1 if I had suddenly become lactose intolerant.  But the lactaid doesn't seem to be helping.

Anyone else experience sudden gastrointestinal yuckiness in the middle of your pregnancy?  Like, bad gas pains/cramps, running to the bathroom 4-5 times a day kinda stuff?  I had bad morning sickness with both pregnancies that lasted waaaay too long, and I'm wondering if this is just a continuation of the 24/7 nausea that finally went away :(

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