Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Any other moms with small boys?

My DS eats like a champion. He eats 2 tubs of 2nd or 3rd purees at breakfast, lunch, dinner, PLUS an afternoon snack, PLUS 24-30 oz of milk a day. He also never stops moving. At our 9 month check-up yesterday, I was shocked to realize he only weighs 16 lbs 8 oz, in the 15th percentile. At his six month check up, he was in the 25th. My pediatrician is not worried because he is still growing in his height and weight (even if it is only slightly) but just says he must have a gerbil's metabolism. I was relaying that info to my mom and she actually asked me if dwarfism runs in DH's family, which it's not and even so that's a ridiculous comment to make this early in the game. Anyone else have a small baby BOY???
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