Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Scratch marks on LO

I stripped LO down for bath and not a mark on her.  Then, about 5 minutes later, she started getting all these red marks (like cat scratches) on her lower back.  It was very red and raised like scratches.  Has this happened to anyone else?  She didn't scratch herself.  Could this be a reaction to WCM?  She's had a little mixed with BM these past few days without this reaction.  I thought maybe she had a reaction to the soap but it's not new.  She didn't eat anything new.  The strangest thing is that the marks are like cat scratches, raised welts.  Not like a rash or hives, but scratches??!  After about an hour, the redness is gone and all that's left are flat red lines.  

Will email her pedi but wanted to ask you ladies, too.  Thanks! 

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