Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Is anyone here familiar with law enforcement?

I have a question. XFIL told me today that X recently had his license suspended. This is only a couple of days before X was supposed to pick DS up for his weekend visit. And of course X never bothered to tell me that his license was suspended. So he would have picked DS up and driven him 45 minutes either way with no license.

I confronted him about it today and asked why it was suspended. He said it was because he was speeding, going 63 mph in a 50 mph zone. I feel like I'm being lied to here. I am pretty sure you don't get a suspended license for one speeding ticket. Don't you have to have gotten a ticket and left it unpaid for some time before they suspend you? I mean, I have gotten speeding tickets before, and I sure as heck did not get mine suspended. Is that something that would happen with a drunk driving type situation? I should also say that recently he disappeared from contact for a couple of days, and sent me a message Monday saying that his phone had been dead for the last couple of days and that's why he hadn't bothered to check in on DS. That seems to add up to something fishy. So WDYT? 

I'm curious because there's really no way I can find out for sure unless he tells me, which he probably won't do. His parents and I are in agreement that if it's something serious, he doesn't need to be driving DS anywhere in the near future. Not to mention he doesn't have a vehicle of his own, so he borrows his mom's when he needs to come see DS. We'd just kind of like to know what the likelihood is that he's trying to pull the wool over our eyes, KWIM? 

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