Baton Rouge Babies


I'm hoping y'all have a little advice. I recently found out I'm pregnant (7 weeks right now) and we're really excited. However, I found myself in a dilemma because I was military prior to returning to Baton Rouge and since then I've only seen a gynecologist for my annual pap smear--and he doesn't do obstetrics. That being said, since I didn't want to tell anyone until I had confirmation, I had to choose someone by basically comparing credentials online (what was available, at least). I wound up choosing Woman's Hospital (LA Women's Healthcare Associates) because they're the most prevalent in the area, but I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions for an obstetrician. I am not at all opposed to seeing a midwife, either, although I'll probably end up opting for an epidural. I don't feel like I'm super picky at this point, but I am absolutely against convenience inductions and I want to feel like a patient, not a number. Currently I'm seeing Dr. Elizabeth Buchert. I've only seen her once (at 4 weeks) and had an ultrasound at 5 weeks through Woman's so, I don't think it's too late to change if advice points that way, right? I REALLY appreciate any help!


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