Single Parents

Can hospital records be used?

DD1's father and I have no formal anything. No schedule, no set CS, nothing. He's always been good about giving me money and I let him see her whenever he wants. Well, now, he hasn't paid me in almost a year. And, he barely ever calls to see her.

I know if we go to court I won't get back CS because we didn't have anything set up, and that's fine. But I think we're going to have to go and make things legal so everything is what it is and there's no backing out.

My fear is that he'll fight me once I say I want to go to court. He's a nut, and he'll think I'm trying to take her away and fight. He has a history of crazy. He was hospitalized on her 1st birthday for ODing on mushrooms and he was in the hospital on father's day for drugs. IDK what drugs. But I know his mom caught him and he went in voluntarily to get help. And I'm pretty sure he's now doing an outpatient program. He doesn't know that I know about the drugs. But if he fights me can his hospital records be used to prove that he has a history of drug abuse? I'm not losing my daughter. I'd rather have no CS and never see him again then fight a war and end up having to give her to him half the time. I don't mind visitation, but I'm not okay with joint custody. He's got too many issues. 

Anyone know about the hospital records? 

Chelsea; 7/22/2005 Carissa; 4/9/2011 Cassidy; 9/6/2012
Angel Baby grew wings on 7/15/2011 at 7w. <3<br>

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