Babies: 9 - 12 Months

I knew dogs did it but I didn't realize

That babies do it too! My dogs and my mom's dog are famous for collecting shoes and putting them in a pile as well as chewing on them. I don't know if my daughter has seen them do this and has picked up this bad habit from them but she does it too! Her favorite thing to do is chew on my flip flops...Ick!. And she will grab as many as she can get her hands on and make a pile of them. We now have to keep all shoes in one spot and create a "road block" so she can't get to them. lol.

DD - Juliana Joan - Born October 27, 2010 - My Little Princess
BFP 1/14/13 - M/C 1/22/13 @ 5 weeks
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