Single Parents

My friend is really pissing me off

So a friend of mine is a single mother.  She had a baby senior year of high school.  She lived with her parents and of course her mom and sister helped her immensely to take care of her son.  While this was over ten years ago I recall her going out and partying etc. quite a bit while her son was at home with grandma. 

When her son was a little older maybe around 7 or so she got a serious boyfriend and got pregnant with her daughter.  (still living with parents).  Well her parents ended up buying another house down the street and giving her their house since her family was growing and the house was too small for all of them.  Her boyfriend wasn't worth a sh*t and didn't have his own place or money to support her.  So the boyfriend of course moved in and they stayed together for a few years and then broke up. 

So now that I am most likely going to end my relationship with my FI she keeps telling me to hurry up and move out and that I don't neeed a man.  So today she posts on FB:  "Funny how some people just can't be alone. Its okay to be single, you don't always have to have a boyfriend or girlfriend. I was single for a year and a half and is grateful for that time I spent solo."

What an idiot.  I don't have my mommy and daddy to give me a house or who live 3 mins away that can take care of my son anytime I need them to.  Irritating.


"How often does the other woman get a happy ending?" Chuck Bass, Gossip Girl
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