Babies: 9 - 12 Months

How much baby proofing have you done?

We've only done electrical socket covers.  I intended on putting soft edges all around our coffee table and end tables in the LR, but DS likes to pull up on them and hasn't hit his head on edges yet.

If he hits his head on the coffee table, he usually konks it on the body portion of the table and not any edges.  So I can't baby proof and cover the whole coffee table. :-)

DS also likes to get into the dogs' water and food.  The water isn't as much of a big deal other than tipping it over and getting him and the floor sopping wet.  But he's like lighting and reaches for the dog food so fast.  He's put it in his mouth a few times.  We try to keep the dog food up on the counter when we think about it and when the dogs aren't eating, but sometimes we forget and it's down on the floor. 

How much baby proofing have you done?  Do you feel comfortable letting your LO roam a room or rooms by themselves without you hovering over them?

I feel like I always need to be DS's shadow when he's roaming around.  I'm scared he's going to pull up on something and hit his head really hard.  But usually it's the things that we can't baby proof (e.g. a wall) that he hits his head on.

My Ovulation Chart

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

TTC #1 since June 2009: irregular cycles
BFP 1/20/10, EDD 9/28/10, born 10/5/10

TTC #2 since Nov 2011:
BFP 2/8/12, MC @ 5 weeks; BFP 3/22/12, MC @ 5 1/2 weeks; BFP 9/10/12, MC @ 6 weeks

Started seeing RE Nov 2012. Chromosomal test and all other tests came back "normal". Unexplained MCs. Found mild hytpothyroidism. Two unmedicated cycles, both BFNs. First medicated cycle (clomid, ovidrel) 1/23/13. Low progesterone found during 9DPO P4 test = 7.6. Put on prometrium supplements.

BFP 2/16/13; 2/18/13 (13 dpo): Beta #1=52.8, progesterone=18.7; estrogen = 412; Dr. increased progesterone dosage.
2/21/13 (16 dpo): Beta #2 = 269; progesterone = 32.4
2/25/13 (20 dpo): Beta #3 = 1,236
2/28/13 (23 dpo): Beta #4 = ?? tbd
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