Babies: 9 - 12 Months

early riser

Akk!!! DS wakes up at 4:30 most mornings. He goes back until 5 or 5:30 80% of the time. We are on a schedule because there are 2 of them. So this really screws up the whole day. I've tried putting him to bed later than his sister but it backfires. And most mornings he still gets up. This has been on and off for a few weeks now.

Is it a phase? Will he eventually wake later? I won't feed him at that time because i wait to see if he goes back because sometimes he does. If not then i have to wake his sister as well which i hate to do but i have to keep them on the same schedule so my MIL gets a break at nap time. If they weren't on a schedule she'd have a baby all day long. Plus daycare wants us to keep their schedule (that's another story ugh)

Anyone have this happen and have it get better? I sooooo hope so.

This kind of started when he decided he wanted to crawl and pull himself up so i'm thinking it's a phase. Hope so! They still don't STTN most nights and i work full time. Tiring sigh...

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