Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Night from HELL

So DS normally STTNs, and has for months now with no exception.  Last night, about an hour after he went to bed, he woke up screaming.  We would get him to sleep again, only to have him do the SAME THING an hour later.  He was arching his back and was clearly uncomfortable.  He wanted to go back to sleep - you could tell.  So we finally busted out the Infants' Tylenol thinking that he was getting his top teeth in (he just has his bottom two right now).  That seemed to help him, but he was so traumatized by the whole thing that he would only sleep while DH or I held him - and he still woke up every hour or so.  So that was a cumilative 2 hours sleep for me. Brutal.  I honestly don't know if I can take Night Two of that and still be coherent to work, etc.  (I know some of you still have issues with STTN, and after last night - I really, really admire you and don't know how you do it!)

I'm less concerned about my lack of sleep (although that definitely doesn't agree with me - I love my sleep)...and more concerned about DS.  Anyone else experience this?  I heard anecdotally that the top teeth hurt more when they come in, so maybe that's it?  He really didn't pitch a fit at all for his bottom two.

::crosses fingers that last night was an isolated incident::

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