North Carolina Babies

NBR (kinda): Need Charlotte recs please

DH is doing a charity bike ride (24 hours of Booty) in Charlotte next weekend and we'll be staying in downtown (the Holiday Inn Center City, to be precise).  He'll be tied up at Queens University/Myers Park neighborhood most of the time and we plan to go & watch a little bit, but I'm looking for a few places to eat and something to do with Miss Wild-Thing E.  Thankfully my parents are coming up from ATL to help me out since DH will be on his bike most of the time.

First on my list is Discovery Place - it appears to be walking distance from the hotel.  Am I missing some other "not to be missed" place to take a 2 year old?  I'm trying to plan out where we'll eat - specifically lunch & dinner on Saturday (in the downtown or Myers Park area) and then a brunch on Sunday (not too picky about the location). 

And finally, am I silly to take E on a ride on the Lynx train (literally just out & back)?  She is obsessed with trains and it looks like it runs on the weekends and a station is super close to our hotel.  It looks to be a little nicer than the MARTA in ATL.

Thanks a bunch ladies!

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