Babies: 9 - 12 Months


DD is now 10 months old and has been eating solids fairly well but still has at least 24 plus ounces of bm/formula, 4-6 oz of pear juice/water mix a day.  However, she seems constipated to me.  She has not pooped in 6 days.  Her pedi says that some kids will try to hold in the poop, thus making it worse.  I have call into her pedi again to see what I can do.  It is obvious that DD is uncomfortable and has terrible gas and will strain like she is trying to go but nothing comes out.  I have cut out all "binding" foods and have stuck with foods that start with a "p" (per her pedi's advice) to try to ease the constipation. 

 My sister's kids all go poo every day so my DD not going but every 4 to 5 days at a time concerns me. 

 Any suggestions/advice?


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