North Carolina Babies

Hehe... I play with food.

Ok, so basically after smugly declaring the girl on the pre-school board who does the "cute lunch check-ins" (I posted a link awhile ago) has too much time on her hands, I have to admit something. Ever since, I've been dressing up Holly's meals at home myself, in a plight of parental inferiority..hehe. Big Smile And I've found that I really, really enjoy it! (ok, and so does she..hehe)

I make her breakfast before leaving for work (she wakes up after I leave), so I feel like I'm doing something special for her, since I don't get to see her.

And I'm really having fun with it... It started with this dinner:


Then I moved on to breakfast...





Just thought I'd share! DD has gotten such a kick out of it. DH says that every morning as they come downstairs, she'll ask if there'll be a flower or a face. hehe. So far, she hasn't been a diva about it when there hasn't been--I don't do it every morning, sometimes I'll just try to make it "pretty" (like the one with the cheerios).

There are all kinds of ideas online that I plan to try. I have several cookie cutters, and got some little picks for fun "kebobs" (used one on the blueberry butterfly body).

Anyway...enjoy my waffle masterpieces. LOL.

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