Upstate NY Babies


Ugh - I've only been back at it for a day...but it feels like a decade! :) I forgot how much I snack on LO's scraps, haha!

What meals are you guys planning on this week? I need some inspiration.

Last night we had greek turkey pitas (I just had a salad though) and I'll probably have the same for lunch with the leftovers. I've been having plain greek yogurt for breakfast - with a little honey...or a hard boiled egg...and a little fruit. I'm not a big breakfast eater, though.

I have chicken and fish to make this week at some point, lots of veggies as sides.

What have been your favorite lunches? dinners that you don't get sick of?

I weighed myself this morning and I am down 2lbs from yeah, I was holding onto some water weight for sure. I am going to try and workout today since I didn't yesterday and hopefully the rest of it will be gone and I'll be back to where I was before vacation...which is pretty good since I HATE having to work to lose weight I've already lost but gained back. 

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