Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Dating vent


So I have come to the conclusion that there are three types of men who are interested in single moms. The first thinks that being a single mom makes you this broken thing, who is so desperate she'll go for anyone. The second thinks you only want a replacement daddy for your kids, and run as fast as they can the other direction. And the third super creepy kind tries to suck up to you by telling you how much they love kids and want to meet yours. But all that does is make them look like potential child molesters. Seriously, wtf? I'm not broken, I'm certainly not desperate. Just because my ex lowered his standards does not mean I have to lower mine. And my kid already has one deadbeat shitstain daddy. Why the hell would I want another one for him? And also, you can STFU about meeting my kid until I know you better. Which will never happen, because your enthusiasm for meeting my child skeeves me out. Creep.

Some guy (who I would never even remotely consider dating, and is only a mutual friend of my best friends) thought it would be hot to send me a picture of his "thang" the other night. While he was sitting on the toilet. FAIL. Wtf is wrong with men?? 


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