Upstate NY Babies

WWYD - MIL visit

So, we know baby will be here soon.  DH gets two weeks off, but will probably only take one.  He can take the other week any time within the first year, so we're thinking we may save it to use in the spring with my sister's wedding.  My mom comes in town on Aug. 5.  MIL is planning to come as soon as I'm in labor.  But, I got to thinking.  Depending on when baby does arrive, maybe we should ask her to come in between when DH goes back to work and my mom gets here, if there's a gap in there where I'll be alone with both kids.  Honestly, the thought of being here all day with MIL is enough to make my head spin and I don't expect her to be much help other than to play with Gavin.  Part of me would rather her be here while DH is off so he can help me deal with her, but the other part of me things she should come when DH is back to work.  WWYD??? 
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