Babies: 9 - 12 Months

LO shoveling finger foods into mouth??

Literally. I love that she loves to eat and has gotten the hang of the whole hand to mouth thing, but if there are 5 little pieces of ANYTHING on her tray she goes for them all at once, shoveling them in one by one till her mouth is full. I usually will give them to her a couple at a time now...but is she just THAT hungry or is this just a baby thing? Also, when you are doing primarily finger foods, how much do you give? It always seems like she could eat and eat, and never seems full. Formula she would stop when she had enough...just curious as to what other LO's are doing. I may have a girl who just likes to eat. :-) Since she was 21lbs at her 9 month I would believe it too!
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